To teach your dog to come back to you, you need to be more exciting than everything else around them!
This is super important because it keeps your dog safe and lets them have fun and enjoy off-leash exercise.
Teaching Your Dog to Come to You in Six Easy Steps

- To get your dog to come back to you, you need to give them a good reason—like a tasty treat or a fun toy. Show them the treat or toy, then take a few steps away. Call their name and say “come” in a happy, excited voice. Getting down low can also help encourage them to come over.
- When your dog comes to you, gently hold their collar and reward them with the treat or let them play with the toy. Slowly increase the distance between you and your dog, eventually calling them from the garden or from one room to another.
- You can make this more fun by getting a friend or partner to help. One of you can hold your dog’s collar while the other walks away and calls them over. Don’t forget to praise your dog each time they come to you!
- Once your dog is reliably coming to you at home and in the garden, you can start practicing in safe outdoor areas. Using a long training lead can be helpful, as it gives your dog some freedom while still letting you keep control as they learn.

NTR Training Leash
NTR Training Leash offers durable control for effective dog training, enhancing safety and obedience during walks and outdoor activities.
Also Read: How to Stop a Dog from Chewing Furniture?
Extra tips
Only call your dog if you’re going to praise them. Never call them over just to tell them off, or they’ll be less likely to come back next time.

Also, don’t always call your dog just to put them back on the lead—if you do, they’ll catch on and won’t want to come back.
When practicing this on walks, always bring your dog’s favorite treats and toys so you can reward them for coming back.